Bix got blankets – his fast continues…

Dear Friends,

More than 40 people showed up yesterday.  The rain and wind were unable to dampen our spirit-filled spirits as we vigiled outside of the SeaTac Federal Detention Center in support of Bix, and of course all the prisoners incarcerated in all prisons.  We were simply reminding those in power of their moral and ethical responsibilities to their fellow human beings.  I hope that our collective Love, Compassion and Nonviolent spirit penetrated those thick, cold concrete walls and touched both prisoners and prison guards.  As Lynne Greenwald of Disarm Now Plowshares said,

It is important to note that while our circle of resisters have a wonderful network of supporters, we also remember all prisoners, everywhere, who daily suffer under this system of injustice. Most of the 700+ prisoners at SeaTac FDC are there for nonviolent crimes. Our friends in prison have witnessed cruel treatment under an inhumane structure. Jackie Hudson’s and Bix’s experiences remind us of how much work there is to do, to turn our lives around.

Vigiling outside SeaTac FDC on Sunday, January 22nd

Bix has received blankets, and both Joe and Blake will fill you in below.   Your collective good wishes, prayers and emails are a powerful force.  Thanks!!!  Rodney Herold videotaped yesterday’s vigil, and I expect to have that up here later today or tomorrow.  May the spirit of this community spread far and wide, and may everyone come to embrace its message of Mercy, Justice and Peace.



From Joe Power-Drutis

My apologies for not sending this report from Blake to you sooner; however, much was happening yesterday that prohibited me from jumping on this. Yesterday’s vigil at SeaTac was absolutely wonderful. We did sing Angels We Have Heard On High – twice; along with one of Bix’s favorites “This Little Light Of Mine”. Our line of well wishers stretched the front entrance of SeaTac Detention, as Senji and Gilberto led us for nearly an hour of meditation and drumming.

All of your efforts were well rewarded, as Bix has received extra blankets and he now reports he is much warmer. There remains a couple of other health related issues and we hope to resolve those soon through direct negotiation. Thank you so much for all of your efforts.

From:  Blake Kremer

I met with Bix yesterday, January 21st, and he asked me to pass along a message.

Bix is still in the SHU. Bix received a letter from Terry Morrison where he learned of the Tuesday vigil, and he is deeply appreciative of that.

Bix says that he has received extra blankets, and he is no longer cold.  He is able to stay warm enough in bed, and wears his blankets when he stands up to stay warm.  Bix says that he continues to not be able to sleep at all, but he no longer thinks that being cold is the cause of that. He thinks that it relates to “itchiness” that continues to trouble him.

Bix wants everyone to know that as he continues on his fast – yesterday was his eleventh day – that he feels stronger and more confirmed in his resolution.  Bix is appreciative of any who join him in his fast, the goal of which is to unite us as one and strengthen resolve against nuclear weapons.  Bix says that there are 10,000 issues that we can work on; this is one thing that we can all unite together on today. Bix says that Christians can unite in conscience where God speaks to all of us, to abolish nuclear weapons and to oppose those policies of the US that are without conscience. This was a point that Bix was reminded of when he was taken back to the BOP and told by his jailer that his re-arrest was a matter of policy, not of conscience.  Bix talked about how policy without conscience reminded him of the courage of the White Rose and their courage in protesting Nazi policies without conscience, even though they were beheaded for their resolve.

Bix talked about his re-arrest at the halfway house, and how just prior to that he was Gilberto and others drumming outside the house. Bix said that the monks looked like angels bringing songs of peace and joy to him. While Bix was re-arrested for this “unauthorized contact,” he continues to think of that and delights in the memory of what he considered wholly authorized contact. He blew kisses to them at the time, and continues to rejoice in the memory. Bix sings to himself in his solitary cell, and hopes that at the vigil today, those present will sing:  “angles we have heard on high.”

Bix is deeply appreciative of those who are thinking of him and sends his love.

2 Responses

  1. […] to fellow activist Blake Kermer, who visited Bichsel on Saturday, “Bix wants everyone to know that as he continues on his […]

  2. […] monks who drummed and prayed outside for him. Despite cold and health problems, Father Bichsel says he sings to himself in his cell. His resolve remains strong to fight against nuclear weapons and […]

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