Susan to be in Federal Court on July 23rd

Dear Friends,

Susan Crane has been ordered to appear in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on July 23, 2012 at 1:30 PM.

Susan is charged with violating various conditions of supervision following her discharge from FCI Dublin this past April. Her sentence included one year of supervised release. Her probation officer was not particularly pleased with Susan’s noncooperation, and is asking Judge Benjamin Settle to revoke the term of supervision. Translation – more JAIL TIME.

Susan plans to appear, as ordered, on July 23rd at the Tacoma Union Station Courthouse to stand before Judge Settle.

We are planning to support Susan that day with our presence at the Courthouse, both outside and inside. Susan invites anyone who is in the Tacoma area to join us.

We will gather at Jean’s House, Tacoma Catholic Worker and will leave at 11:45 AM to walk down to the courthouse (roughly 10 to 15 minute walk downhill). We will vigil in front of the courthouse from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in support of Susan, Disarm Now Plowshares and nuclear abolition. We will then proceed into the courthouse to prepare for Susan’s 1:30 hearing.

You can join us at the Catholic Worker or the courthouse. There is free parking at and around the Catholic Worker. There is limited metered on-street parking near the courthouse, and paid parking in the courthouse lot. The area is also well served by public transportation.

We will have signs and banners available. Just bring your nonviolent spirit. Click here for map, directions and parking information for the courthouse. The Tacoma Catholic Worker is located at 1417 South G Street. Jean’s House is on the East side of the alley, and has a beautiful mural of cranes on the North side (truly a sight to behold).

Please note that you will need government issued photo identification to enter the courthouse, and must pass through a security screening checkpoint (similar to airport security). No knives or other sharp thingys. And no photography once past the inner security screening checkpoint.

Can’t make it on the 23rd? If you would like to send a brief message of solidarity for Susan and Disarm Now Plowshares, drop me an email at with your message. We will read the messages to those assembled on the 23rd.



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