Y-12 Prisoners on the move!


here is an update on our friends. sometime this [Tuesday] morning, steve baggarly, beth rosdatter and bonnie urfer were whisked out of tennessee to points unknown. we discovered just after noon that they were gone.

by late afternoon we had heard from ocilla, ga—yes, their new home (a homecoming for steve and bonnie, i’m sure)

no idea how long they will be there. but here is the contact info if you are inclined to write.

Paula Rosdatter  10660
Bonnie Urfer   8957
Steve Baggarly  8955

the rest of the address is
Irwin County Detention Center
132 Cotton Dr
Ocilla GA 31774

so far as we know, as of this afternoon, mike walli and dennis duvall are still in blount county jail.


ralph [Hutchison]

Editor’s Note:  We keep all the Y-12 prisoners of conscience addresses regularly updated at the Nuclear Abolitionist Y-12 Witness Page.

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